School Site Council Meeting Please join us at our first SSC meeting of the school year, September 26th, 2024 at 2:30pm. This meeting will be both in-person and online. The meeting will take place in the parent center and the live link is provided on this notice. Hope to see you there!
Apply to become a District 6 PAC Representative// Aplique para ser Representante del Pac para el Distrito 6
Back to School Night// Noche de Regreso a Escuela Join Us Tuesday August 27th// Unase con nosotros el Martes 27 de Agosto.
Unity Day // Dia De Unidad October 17th is National Unity Day let's spread kindness and wear ORANGE//El 17 de octubre es el Día de la Unidad Nacional. Difundamos bondad y usemos NARANJA.